Trip Chili 2004-2005


Hye from Chili,

After doing some more rivers around Pucon we went more South To Futalufue. For Roy and Casper it was the end of their trip in Chili and apparently they had some time to work on their site. They ‘ve put some great updates online, nice stories about their adventures in Pucon, so much it’s hard to add more. So for reports on the crazy days Roy, Casper, Sven and I spent together, surf to  2guys3continents ( 9 jan, Back in Pucon.)  


Boof on the Fuey

Paddler Birdy, Photo Sven / Casper / Roy


Boof on the LLanquahue

Paddler Birdy, Photo Sven / Casper / Roy


Next update, Chili 03, Futa